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Friday, February 5, 2010

On top of the world

Supppp! :D

Well, i'm sorry for not being able to make it for Yanhan's and Huizhen's birthday! ): Happy Birthday anyway! (: And i hope you all are having fun right now! Apparently, Feb babies are rocking now, causing a hole in my pocket ):
So many people's birthdays ley, including mine. *hinthint* :D

Well, like we finally won a match yesterday. Which felt kinda good. :x Although it wasn't a really beautifully game played, we still felt victory. Which feels superb!! Individual wins games, teamwork wins championships
I like this line, alot. Don't you think it means so much? (:

This sucks. I left my Amaths, Chinese file, Geog and Chem all in school. What a wasted weekend. I can't do any studying. Suck this shitzxzx. Church later, looking forward hahah. And Godsister's birthday too! See! Feb babies bomb alert! :D

Having long talks that last for hours and hours feels damn good. Especially when you get how much a person tries to reach out their best to understand you and you know they are doing it at their best. In fact, they are doing a great job! You know that whenever i feel like the whole world's closing down on me, i'll still have you to count on ;)

We'll take on the city and make it ours.

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